Friday, December 26, 2008

The Simultaneous Collision of a Thousand Heart-Shaped Moons

So this must be what it feels like when a flower blooms --
The simultaneous collision of a thousand heart-shaped moons.

Blurring the division between dream and reality
-- in a single daydream, spent eternity.

A Glance:

She ripped away the heavily-weighted nets of hate which instantaneously caused everybody to gently float upward
to the skies in a simultaneous dream of lingering euphoria.

She finally showed us how to love;
and her name was music.
Contemplating upon the complexity of a moment, a heavy thunder
hammers upon the fragile strings of poets and philosophers alike.

It leaves a resonating echo in the chambers of
both the heart and of the mind -- repeated invariably
across a landscape of fluctuating mediums.

They simultaneously sing the archaic elegies of yesteryear
and the pseudo-colloquialisms of our current endeavor.

The result is a blur of possibility that lies hidden
within the haunting chords of an unknown song.

Wandering the cusp of existence; where the world is
freshly planted in the soft damp soil of infancy
we are able to experience things again for the first time.

The soul is reborn and the origami dreams of the heart
take flight in a blizzard of rare snowflakes that have been
forged in the icy-blue jet-streams of mysticism.

Romanticized symbols dance inexplicably about my being,
unknown in the world yet meant to signify a refined, pure, soft
and gentle love. But in the process become choked up,
pianissimo mumbles, garbled up with the nonsense of
incomplete incoherent mumbling.

So this must be what it feels like when a flower blooms --
The simultaneous collision of a thousand heart-shaped moons.

The Place Where The World Ends

I temporarily gazed into the grotesque
and all too REAL eyes of Mortality.

The grand scope of all things threw its
intense weight upon my being and pinned
me down to the dusty earth.

- I saw sand turn into glass.
and all around me: glass dissolve into sand.

- I saw the mountain landscape change
flowers and plants and trees, disappear.

- I saw the hard wooden casket of a loved
face, no longer with us. Only then did we
regret lost time.

Staring out the window, I see a dead world.
-- have we truly removed ourselves that far from nature?

My heart sings a song of melancholic reflection
and My mind engages a maze of philosophic meandering.
but my soul...

my Soul transcends beyond the known
and into the hidden flux of all things.
I too, become a transparent eye

and I see what we have done
and I see that all is one.